With the launch of my website and business ‘Sacred Rising’, comes the birth of my own transformative process. This offering of my soul work is a journey through which I have navigated all the rocky terrain of my own being, growing, stretching and reaching out beyond my comfort zone. It is easy to remain in the confines of the comfort zone, never venturing past the breakers into the deep ocean of possibility that exists beyond there, but I’m not naturally one to remain in my comfort zone for very long. I have become accustomed to the storms of my inner landscape that rattle my bones and call me forward into deeper truth. I have learned to find comfort in them as I journey, knowing that the storm will pass when I invite it in, knowing that the heavens will open to the sweet rays of sunshine if I allow myself to dance in the rain. The more I say YES to my authentic being, the deeper I dive into the underworld of my unconscious conditioning, willing and brave to meet it with presence and an open heart. There is no bypassing the shadows of the underworld, no hiding in the light behind a mask of avoidance. The underworld calls us all into its depths and it is only the chosen perspective and perception in any given moment that determines the experience there.
The human journey has fascinated me deeply and has been the catalyst for my own quest for deeper truth, connection and meaning in life. My wild spirit has guided me with fierce conviction through the unravelling and untangling of so many threads of belief systems and imprints, to a place where my heart can be free and open. This journey is one of the deepest beauty and most profound love, as the layers of fear, doubt, conditioning, confusion and illusion fall away. But there are always more layers! More layers and opportunities for deeper growth, awakening and learning. It is a constant reminder and opportunity to bring presence to each moment, to feel the richness of each experience through the lens of wholeness.
As I step into a place of offering my work to a wider global community, deeper layers of my unconscious conditioning have surfaced with fierce conviction. My knowing of my purpose and the medicine that I am here to share with the world has been met with the intense resistance of the ego, the voice of doubt, unworthiness, fear of judgement, fear of failure and the fear of being seen, screaming into the shadows of my vulnerability. I have witnessed this with fascination and felt its crippling hold, manifesting not only within the mind but also within my cellular body. I realise how long I have believed the ego’s story, holding me back from the work that I am here to share. I followed this crippling energy deep into my DNA, back to the collective wounding of the feminine; the Witch hunts, the persecution, the suppression and the collective disconnection from the sacred. Its scars run deep into the collective psyche of ALL people, playing out in many different ways. The wounding continues to play itself out in the collective unconscious through fear; the fear to step into freedom, to choose expansion over contraction, to choose authenticity over compliance, to choose true self over ego. The fear runs like a deep river of karmic entanglement through the landscape of our inner terrain, inviting us to experience all aspects of feeling and being so that we can remember the path of wholeness and remember who we are. The experience of the shadow creates the perspective for the unshaken soul to find its way back home. The wounding reveals the pathway for the healing, so that the journey is embodied through each action, thought and feeling rather than an idea that is not fully lived.
The prayer that I hold for my work, is that it will bring deeper connection and healing to the collective remembrance of our true nature. My calling to work with women is not an exclusion to the prayer I hold for all, but a way of holding space for the remembrance of the path of the sacred feminine, so that the healing of the feminine can be embodied and met through a reclaiming of wholeness, where the masculine and the feminine can dance together in sacred union. My own embodiment of this medicine and wisdom is a process of constant remembrance through my experience of life. My work is as much my teacher as it is my offering to the world. And so it is no surprise that I have been met with all the feelings of my own wounding, buried deep within my psyche, there to teach me deeper truth about the path that is my awakening and my work. With the expansion of my own being into the deeper truth of this medicine, I continue to be led further and deeper into its core. The journey of the goddess is a spiral, a path of constant uncoiling and unfolding. There is no end destination to wholeness, just a constant flow of life force, that by nature continues to expand through the ever present love that is our true being. The remembrance of wholeness does not shy away from the journey of the underworld, but meets it with a fierce love of knowing and trust, a choice that is made from the place of highest truth. Healing comes through a willingness to be vulnerable, to find peace within the storm and a willingness to be humbled time and time again, knowing that the work is never done, it is a constant unfolding of soul and spirit. Facing the fears that arise through the voice of the ego are reminders for us to surrender to love. When fear is met willingly, it has no place to hold you. And so I open to the fear, the doubt, the wounding and the ego, to flow through me, so that I can meet them, feel them, recognise them and know that they are not me. I invite them in as a channel where these aspects of my ego can be cast back to consciousness where only love resides.