With the fullness of Summer and the Summer Solstice that has just passed, it feels like a big illumination of all that is being felt, seen and experienced in these big times that we live in. So many people are effected by the fires up the east coast of Australia and severe draught and weather conditions are illuminating the changes that are needing to happen and the work that needs to be done individually and collectively.
For many of us smoky sky and polluted air reminds us daily of the issues we are facing around climate change and a changing planet in general. We are in big times, requiring big work from us all.
As I contemplate these times I ask myself, what medicine does the element of fire bring with it?
The elements are Mother Earths language, activated, created, called upon in direct response to what is needed for her, from her, within her to create healing and restore balance. When imbalance occurs, (in our case climate change, disconnected living, disconnected spiritual consciousness ) her natural forces act in response, to lovingly and wildly restore the balance. She only knows wholeness and healing ~ its what she does.
In reflection of this, what is the medicine of fire?
Fire is the earths fever – fever kills off all that doesn’t serve, cleansing, clearing, creating space and clarity.
How do we respond?
We can see that through the devastation and impending sense of danger and destruction we reach out to one another, we strengthen community, we reflect on what is important, what the priorities are, bend at the knee in prayer. The preciousness of life becomes real. We step into deeper gratitude for what we have.
It also invokes deep fear and panic – fear of the unknown, fear of loss, death, change. It calls us to surrender and trust in something greater than what we can control.
These times call for big work within and without. Our inner fire, our passion, our medicine needs to come through and burn through any debrie that stands in our way within – such as self doubt, fear, unworthiness, fear of being seen and heard, stuck in old wounds and patterns of behaviour that don’t serve our highest good and stop us from standing in our light. What is important, is to be the best versions of ourselves in these times, to hold the light for others and to consciously create a future through love and adapt to the conditions of this changing planet without resistance. We are adaptable beings ~ in fact its when we thrive and grow the most.
So how can we step beyond the fear? How can we be the best versions of ourselves? How can we restore the balance within ourselves to live in deeper harmony and connection with life and all that is happening in these times? We are here now for a reason! We are here now for this experience! How can we let our inner fire burn strong to hold the light of our being and heal all that stands in our way of living a fulfilled and connected life?
Connecting back to nature is the first step. Learning to trust in her ways and the the sacred cycles. Understanding that we are a part of that cycle and that when we flow in harmony with these cycles, then we live a connected and sacred life, navigating the hard times with deeper trust and inner knowing!
Healing the wounded feminine and wounded masculine! By healing these aspects of ourselves we strengthen our spirits and bring awareness to the unconscious imprinting of the patriarchy and create new ways to walk this life. As women we need to reclaim, heal and re-establish our relationship with our womb and rites rites of passage in a healthy and sacred way. This is where the deep work lies. Everything standing in our way from our healed selves shows up around our menstrual cycle and rites of passage such as menarche, birth and menopause. So its time to listen deeply, acknowledge what is arising and do the deep work.
For me at the moment I feel constantly shaken by uncertainty, facing shadows that have been hindering me in my work in the world, belief systems that continue to creep in, even when I think Ive healed that already. Its bringing up triggers around what is really important, how I want to walk my path, how to do this with absolute integrity, looking at the aspects of myself that stand in my way. Its giving me opportunities to go deeper again into the real work, my womb always my guide, my cycle always showing me the way, giving me the opportunities to journey deeply and integrate this into being. Its making me ask the really big questions and witness when Im in doubt if I can I continue to shine my light and leave the stories of the mind behind to stay in truth?
In this coming year I call in more time to be in nature and explore her wild places. Im dreaming up some sacred pilgrimages for wild sisters who are feeling called (watch this space) and calling in clarity on how I can continue the work of sacred rising and be in deeper service to all beings. Im simplifying, reducing and prioritising what is important for healing for myself, my family, my community and most of all the earth.
May we all remember to find beauty everywhere we go, including the dry brown grasses, the burned forests, the dry creek beds. Can we see Mother Earth’s beauty when she is in her time of death and destruction? Can we remember our gratitude in moments of despair? Can you find the medicine in these times and see them as a reflection for your own healing? She knows the way! And so do you!
Blessings and Love